Sunday, September 10, 2006

Finding neutral...

It’s between one and two. That’s where neutral is. Now, generally speaking, I’m good at counting. But finding that little step between one and two has become my latest challenge.

But I’m jumping ahead of myself. Let me explain.

On Saturday I bought a motorbike! Well, kind of a baby motorbike. But if you tell anyone that I’ve just called it a baby motorbike, I’ll deny it. It’s more of a motorbike for… well, small people. Now, I am not a small people, but I thought if I matched my bike skills with the size of bike, then all would be well. Check her out!

She’s (yes, it’s a she. I don’t know why. She just is) just for zips to work and back – I guess I could have used my bicycle, it’s just that that would have required movement of pedals, which in turn required effort. 15 kilometers of it. Which in turn I was not particularly inclined of give.

I do love my motorbike! I’ve spent most of Saturday and Sunday riding – I’m loving it! Smiling at pedestrians, and giving “the nod” to grown-ups on real motorbikes.

Anyhow – earlier on Saturday, I don’t know what I was thinking. I thought I would just go to the shop, hop on the bike and ride her away in the sunset. But this was not to be. You see, a bike has gears. And a clutch. One you control with your foot, the other with your hand. And not like a car. Oh dear.

And of course, the salesperson I picked up the key from, was a lady. Who was a bike rider. And here, before her, stood I, trying to look cool, and doing a good job, until I got on the bike. “So, which thingy do I push to start moving?” I ask in my best masculine, butchy voice. “Try facing towards the handlebars” she quietly nods.

But I jest. The biggest challenge was finding the neutral gear. Fourth is my best gear – I jump quite easily and naturally from first into fourth – even when stationary. Anyhow, She was more than helpful, promising me that all motorcyclists (I’m not really a motorcyclist, kind of a pseudo-mini-motorcyclist) have the same challenge when they begin.

I do love it, though! And tomorrow is my first journey to work!

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