A fantastic celebration of music it was, too. Prima Donkey. Stijn. Daan (a male Alison Goldfrapp). Absynthe Minded. Fellow South African Gert Vlok Nel. And the wired happy-go-lucky-balloon-throwing-confetti-tossing-29-member-strong group of I’m from Barcelona. Words cannot describe their performance! Truly out of this world. Filled with joy and much tom-foolery, they designed, built and then detonated a happy bomb at de Singel. They’re living proof that it doesn’t take much to make humans happy: some balloons, confetti, happy music and some dancing around. Here’s a pic; I'll try to publish some video later, but having hassles with YouTube:
Here’s a thought. I enjoyed a lovely set from Canadian group Cowboy Junkies. Beautiful wrist-slitting music in the style of Tori Amos and Eddie Reader. But at several times during the performance, the lead singer would turn her back to the audience; even walk off stage to have a natter with some other bloke… during a song. It was like the audience was never there. Rude or artistic? I dunno. Anyhow, apparently Miles Davies used to do that too. So it’s ok, then I guess.
At one point during the festival, I was asked to help the backstage crew pack up. Sure. I mean, how hard could it be? Tell you what, I’ve never felt so idiotic in all my life. I was asked by big burly backstage riggers (each had a name just one syllable long), “Do you know how to roll cables”. No. I do not. “Do you know how to dismantle a speaker tower?” No. I do not. “Do you know to de-rig a whatchamacallit?” No. I do not. What’s a whatchamacallit?
All I could do, after 30 years of intense training for what was to become my life, was push. Yes. That was the extent of it. Pushing storage boxes and trolleys, packed with the said cables, speakers and whatchamacallits. Mid-way in the process, I ran away, under cover of a big speaker flight case, never to be seen by the crew again.
Anyhow, the night did leave me with a new found respect for all things backstage. And for the folk that work for the theatre companies – they have to do everything.
But in all, de Nachten was a musical treat to behold and be-enjoy. Highly recommended, if you can make it next year.
See some of my pics of the event are on Flickr.
Anyhow. Back to this Antwerp-iness. Bunch of cool-ness all around. Check out this guy I spotted at de Singel...
Possibly no older than 3, smoking a pipe. Cool or contrived? Answers on a postcard, please.
And tonight is some kind of pancake night in Antwerp. Could it be Ash Thursday? I dunno. So, I have bought ingredients. And will make pancakes. But those of you who know and appreciate my skills (or lack thereof) in cooking could quite rightly be justified in thinking that the evening will end in unmitigated disaster. Or at least the completely unnecessary destruction of several eggs and a spoon. Which is why I have also bought pre-made pancakes as backup – just in case the originals do not work.
Like most things in life, I'll give it my best shot. But there's always a back-up plan. I think, yeah?