via Instagram
No response, @cathaypacific?
— ryanducie (@ryanducie) December 5, 2018
@cathaypacific I left my passport on the plane. My fault. I explained to Jason. He was abusive, rude and unhelpful. I felt like a criminal. I felt this route frequently. Serious?
— ryanducie (@ryanducie) December 5, 2018
@cathaypacific it is Jason Lau
— ryanducie (@ryanducie) December 5, 2018
@cathaypacific you know something is wrong when your service agent refuses to give their name to you for follow up. WTF. No excuse, Cathay. pic.twitter.com/4uHeN6Uyae
— ryanducie (@ryanducie) December 5, 2018
Announcing the launch of Dataset Search, a new way for researchers to find the datasets they need, wherever they’re hosted, whether it’s a publisher's site, a digital library, or an author's personal web page. Learn more at https://t.co/tpdOkjAVgW pic.twitter.com/kvlmDOHSO1
— Google AI (@GoogleAI) September 5, 2018
A statement from our Editor-in-Chief pic.twitter.com/a7q1fFBznr
— The Economist (@TheEconomist) September 4, 2018
Our old friend aurora australis (southern lights) has returned and is always a most welcome visitor. pic.twitter.com/rqAq1UjAyJ
— Ricky Arnold (@astro_ricky) August 23, 2018
Don’t worry if your A level grades aren’t any good. I got a C and 2 Us. And I’m sitting here deciding which of my Range Rovers to use today
— Jeremy Clarkson (@JeremyClarkson) August 16, 2018
just realized I wasn’t in prison long enough for half life 3 to come out 😑🌈💕
— Chelsea E. Manning (@xychelsea) August 15, 2018
People who think 3D-printable guns will make guns free have obviously never paid for a printer refill cartridge
— Seth MacFarlane (@SethMacFarlane) August 14, 2018
Nothing really to add to this........ pic.twitter.com/V99GfiAGRH
— Greg Viljoen (@DJMrBong) August 13, 2018
The majority of welfare recipients in America are white https://t.co/owmcl8CeHs
— The Economist (@TheEconomist) July 30, 2018
This picture will never stop making me laugh pic.twitter.com/FSi3gEIDUc
— Laura (@ElleEmSee) July 29, 2018
Just weighed myself. I’m a fat cunt again. It’s not my fault though. I blame too much food. Give me your best insults to motivate me. pic.twitter.com/sGmYvCPfqv
— Ricky Gervais (@rickygervais) July 28, 2018
This kids menu at the hotel I'm staying at. pic.twitter.com/GQR5dpJFEq
— Mr. Drinks On Me (@Mr_DrinksOnMe) July 28, 2018
Cinemas have air conditioning. Choose to accept it. Have a great weekend. 😘 pic.twitter.com/b8f18SofE2
— Pegg News (@simonpegg) July 27, 2018
Real highway to the sky: Meet Yongshun-Jichang highway in central China's #Hunan province, which will make you feel like driving up in the air pic.twitter.com/5raA29ghwi
— People's Daily,China (@PDChina) July 25, 2018
It was great to be back on the set of @MadamSecretary with @tealeoni. It is always nice to consult with my successors. The episode will air on #CBS on October 7. pic.twitter.com/68NFcJLMGc
— Madeleine Albright (@madeleine) July 24, 2018
Heading back to the hills. pic.twitter.com/zNGFiIMBlh
— Hill Top Farm (@hilltopfarmgirl) July 22, 2018
Dear France,
— Khaled Beydoun (@KhaledBeydoun) July 15, 2018
Congratulations on winning the #WorldCup.
80% of your team is African, cut out the racism and xenophobia.
50% of your team are Muslims, cut out the Islamophobia.
Africans and Muslims delivered you a second World Cup, now deliver them justice.
This week, I’m traveling to Africa for the first time since I left office – a continent of wonderful diversity, thriving culture, and remarkable stories. As I prepare for this trip, I wanted to share a list of books that I’d recommend for summer reading: https://t.co/W4Jc0N23iy
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) July 13, 2018
This beauty turning big today. Happy Huge Birthday 🎂❤️@ferrifrump you lovely ol tart pic.twitter.com/oiOb88OpVv
— Dawn French (@Dawn_French) July 6, 2018
dublin trinity college library. #myhappyplace #liveforbooks #bookofkells #ogham 📚❤️✨✨✨✨ pic.twitter.com/DUv50XpuSh
— Alanis Morissette (@Alanis) July 5, 2018
— TechnicallyRon (@TechnicallyRon) July 5, 2018
Signing in as Chancellor for Glasgow Caledonian University! https://t.co/6CagXML9Mj pic.twitter.com/x2mxtRITtC
— Annie Lennox (@AnnieLennox) July 4, 2018
De #ZOO bestaat 175 jaar! Deze #dieren trokken de stad in om het nieuws te verspreiden. Ontdek hier waar ze staan: https://t.co/r2LauKwOz9. 🦓🐍🐘@zooantwerpen pic.twitter.com/3X74rtO66c
— Stad Antwerpen (@Stad_Antwerpen) July 4, 2018
Nigel and I, taking some shade. pic.twitter.com/6FrLq7piZi
— Monty Don (@TheMontyDon) July 1, 2018
So many look back ... mistake pic.twitter.com/cXhZ152xNA
— Gary Vaynerchuk (@garyvee) June 24, 2018
Photobomb! pic.twitter.com/O3sSyqJfNy
— Monty Don (@TheMontyDon) June 20, 2018
300 #Intel Shooting Star Drones light up the sky at @cebit. → https://t.co/8QXnXxrAvi #CEBIT18 pic.twitter.com/KSJVYcYeYt
— Intel Business (@IntelBusiness) June 12, 2018
Many still see suicide as a choice rather than a public-health problem, so preventative schemes are less well-funded than other causes of death https://t.co/tOvITDiuRj pic.twitter.com/ylcfke3biH
— The Economist (@TheEconomist) June 16, 2018
WATCH: The touching moment a London Underground train driver stopped his journey to salute people commemorating the anniversary of the Grenfell Tower fire https://t.co/89xy0GUHvq pic.twitter.com/s9l0uVISzd
— Sky News (@SkyNews) June 14, 2018
Happy Peace-uccino Everyone! pic.twitter.com/X2ONhBKafi
— Christiane Amanpour (@camanpour) June 12, 2018
Dita Von Teese is everything I aspire to in life. pic.twitter.com/UckT92TdoV
— Mia (@CigaretteCalpol) June 5, 2018
this is the most British thing I’ve seen all week pic.twitter.com/woPxspnlKw
— jonno (@jonnohopkins) May 31, 2018
Currently making the rounds on Chinese social media:
— ian bremmer (@ianbremmer) May 22, 2018
Young Chinese vs. old Americans during 2018 trade talks
Young Western reps vs old Qing envoys at the signing of the 1901 Boxer Protocol
A lot changes in one century. pic.twitter.com/lfi0hWhf9K
Two old boys pic.twitter.com/F8EXHIeqOt
— Monty Don (@TheMontyDon) May 17, 2018
Nell posing! pic.twitter.com/23zmMLHRgq
— Monty Don (@TheMontyDon) May 11, 2018
'My dog every time my dad comes home from work...' ❤️ pic.twitter.com/M5R7ukK31n
— LADbible (@ladbible) May 10, 2018
When a whale swam up to this woman and wouldn't leave her alone, she was freaked out — until she realized he was saving her life 🐳 (via @caters_news) pic.twitter.com/wz8aXtc4of
— The Dodo (@dodo) May 10, 2018
.@ForbesUnder30 Israel Summit is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #Under30Summit pic.twitter.com/XrYY48rvro
— Kevin Olusola (@KOlusola) May 10, 2018
— anisah (@pakiblinder) May 8, 2018
The @nixplaycloud Lux digital photo frame is a classy option for anyone who doesn't need another Wi-Fi connected device in their home: https://t.co/6L0XSs2exZ
— Windows Central (@windowscentral) May 7, 2018
'WHY ARE YOU IGNORING ME!?' pic.twitter.com/c28mKh3dcL
— LADbible (@ladbible) May 7, 2018
Test #lifeofamom
— ryanducie (@ryanducie) May 7, 2018
Test #lifeofamom
— ryanducie (@ryanducie) May 7, 2018
Test #supermom
— ryanducie (@ryanducie) May 7, 2018
Test #momlife
— ryanducie (@ryanducie) May 7, 2018
Running through yellow in the Cotswolds. pic.twitter.com/OW0FOPWYB2
— Richard E. Grant (@RichardEGrant) April 29, 2018
Patience is a super power pic.twitter.com/lQGO8kgHtz
— Gary Vaynerchuk (@garyvee) May 1, 2018
He fought for civil rights with Martin Luther King. Very honored to have @repjohnlewis by my side in the streets of Washington. pic.twitter.com/kBKXQ9laID
— Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) April 25, 2018
What a day for me! I’m rehearsing for the Team USA Awards, and the First Lady of France, Brigitte Marcon, shows up. Wow! She said, “I wanted to meet you.” Man, I was nervous. I still can’t believe it! It was a great honor for me. #TeamUSAWeek #Mrtinyourpocket #Honored pic.twitter.com/xq9iz8m1Nj
— Mr. T (@MrT) April 25, 2018
You don’t always have to follow the rules. That’s bullshit! pic.twitter.com/ocKUlJ1OML
— Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) April 25, 2018
This is the time of year where we’re always dressed for yesterday’s weather.
— Richard Osman (@richardosman) April 24, 2018
HELLO I AM IN THE NORTH. People keep saying hello to me. I have seen 8 dogs. I got change back when I bought a pint. No one has told me to fuck off. I am convinced this is all a trick.
— TechnicallyRon (@TechnicallyRon) April 26, 2018
BREAKING: brexiteers annoyed that after telling 27 nations to go fuck themselves they won't get free stuff anymore. pic.twitter.com/PmPLUHsH2f
— TechnicallyRon (@TechnicallyRon) April 26, 2018
Old people falling for The Onion is my favourite sub-twitter pic.twitter.com/3Wf7lLqLNF
— Joseph (@goulcher) April 26, 2018
He fought for civil rights with Martin Luther King. Very honored to have @repjohnlewis by my side in the streets of Washington. pic.twitter.com/kBKXQ9laID
— Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) April 25, 2018
I’m in a meeting with Warner Bros and I can’t really concentrate because look pic.twitter.com/KMpqRVsNMQ
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) April 23, 2018
"My ambition was not to be a great photographer, though that certainly would have been a worthy stance. It was a lust to embrace anything that startled or energised me.”#SydBarrett #EarlsCourt #London, 1969 pic.twitter.com/VVMmVZdzoJ
— Mick Rock (@TheRealMickRock) April 23, 2018
I’m back on tour. Let the debating about the architecture of this breakfast begin. pic.twitter.com/8Vs3FglaRE
— David Baddiel (@Baddiel) April 22, 2018
How to drink in a beer garden in London:
— TechnicallyRon (@TechnicallyRon) April 21, 2018
Buy a drink
Stand on the pavement outside pub
This isn't a garden
I'm just stood on the street
This is shit
The quiet joy of watering the garden pots before anyone else is up. pic.twitter.com/85eLToYNQI
— nigel slater (@NigelSlater) April 21, 2018
Humbled pic.twitter.com/8nz3iX6Zc5
— Gary Vaynerchuk (@garyvee) April 3, 2018
Me: Health is everything. Look after your body. It’s the only one you’ll ever have.
— Damien Owens (@OwensDamien) April 4, 2018
Also me: The Domino’s delivery guy asked me to be his Best Man.
DRIVE (2011)
— One Perfect Shot (@OnePerfectShot) April 2, 2018
Director of Photography: Newton Thomas Sigel
Dir: Nicolas Winding Refn
More Shots: https://t.co/7t83VGT4K5 pic.twitter.com/tA2VOfoHyN
Old people: Millennials are ruining things.
— TechnicallyRon (@TechnicallyRon) March 27, 2018
Millennials: You ruined the economy and pretty much the entire world because you have successfully ignored every social change in the last 40 years
Old people: Yeah but you spend too much time on your phone.
Happy cows.#mondaymotivation#pastureforlife pic.twitter.com/DkuEUgnYLp
— Hill Top Farm (@hilltopfarmgirl) March 26, 2018
Announcing our new feature for our wifi products, Alexa! Yes, now you can #JustAskAlexa to play your photos on your frame. #Nixplay #DigitalFrames pic.twitter.com/DYIEbs2ON1
— Nixplay (@nixplaycloud) March 25, 2018
— One Perfect Shot (@OnePerfectShot) March 25, 2018
Director of Photography: Dean Cundey
Director: John Carpenter pic.twitter.com/WhXpLViRi5
Sound On: One of the many reasons I love elephants is that they celebrate births and mourn the dead. When an elephant gives birth, her herd gathers around her to protect her baby and they trumpet in celebration. It's really quite extraordinary.. pic.twitter.com/MjIySw5nQu
— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) March 23, 2018
Thanks @TechAdvisorUK for giving our Nixplay Iris - 4 out of 5 stars. Read the full review here: https://t.co/E5msU5ZCMM
— Nixplay (@nixplaycloud) March 24, 2018
Thank you to our #appocon2018 Sponsor, @Nixplaycloud. As the creator of NIX digital photo frames and Nixplay Wi-Fi Cloud frames, innovation, insight and human connection were the foundations of everything we set out to achieve. pic.twitter.com/QupM4qz0s0
— The Photo Organizers (@photoorganizers) March 21, 2018
Watching "The Assasination of Gianni Versace. Sponsored by Buick Enclave." I. Kid. You. Not.
— ryanducie (@ryanducie) March 22, 2018
Perfume names are getting worse... pic.twitter.com/um2Ik9lMND
— Adele PJ (@adele_pascale) March 21, 2018
The percentage of #consumers who express interest in other people’s opinions about what products and services to buy has fallen since 2011 in a number of mature markets around the world. [Blog] https://t.co/MiseYRUgdh
— GfK (@GfK) March 21, 2018
"you thought you could kill us? you thought we could die, like mortal men? oh child, you have so much to learn...what a pity you will never get the chance." pic.twitter.com/gheZnRW0ME
— Ben B (@cinemashoebox) March 20, 2018
— One Perfect Shot (@OnePerfectShot) March 20, 2018
DP: Thierry Arbogast
Dir: Luc Besson
More Shots: https://t.co/t8qkx8N9Xu pic.twitter.com/2dHGgDd9BI
Roy Rogers and Dale Evans guest-starred on The Muppet Show. (I know most of you don't know who they were, nevertheless...) I asked them how their marriage had thrived for so long. Roy answered, "Give 90, take 10". Still the best advice I've ever heard to make any marriage last.
— Frank Oz (@TheFrankOzJam) March 20, 2018
Just went for a run. Still fat. This isn't working.
— Ricky Gervais (@rickygervais) March 19, 2018
How did Maye Musk (mother of Elon) produce a family of entrepreneurs? She shares her parenting secrets with @1843mag https://t.co/cX0S1JA0O9
— The Economist (@TheEconomist) March 17, 2018
The answer is... kindness ...
— Gary Vaynerchuk (@garyvee) March 17, 2018
— One Perfect Shot (@OnePerfectShot) March 15, 2018
Director of Photography: Jeffrey L. Kimball
Director: Adrian Lyne
More Shots: https://t.co/t3Z1fUnIW9 pic.twitter.com/s8VFJM4XkZ
— One Perfect Shot (@OnePerfectShot) March 13, 2018
DP: Hisao Shirai
Dir: Mamoru Oshii
More Shots: https://t.co/t8qkx8N9Xu pic.twitter.com/iTHfEmdhav
DRIVE (2011)
— One Perfect Shot (@OnePerfectShot) March 13, 2018
Director of Photography: Newton Thomas Sigel
Director: Nicolas Winding Refn
More Shots: https://t.co/nqusoP61xp pic.twitter.com/Hq9VY2XuTw
Hard to believe it’s been an entire decade since I’ve had a drink or a drug. I just can’t put into words how grateful I am for @realjknoxville and the rest of the guys who locked me up in a psychiatric ward on March 9, 2008, where this journey began. Thank you, dudes, I love you. pic.twitter.com/10dUWO5ViZ
— Steve-O (@steveo) March 10, 2018
HER (2013)
— One Perfect Shot (@OnePerfectShot) March 10, 2018
DP: Hoyte Van Hoytema
Dir: Spike Jonze
More Shots: https://t.co/02zHVwmtrK pic.twitter.com/PbjUybxeFs
I'm heading to #SXSW tomorrow after a looong flight from Blighty 🇬🇧! It's been a couple years since I debuted my arm at @BDYHAX in Austin! Can't wait to be in the buzzing creative environment again! Show me what you got! 👽 #tech #bbc #presenter #robotics #cyborg pic.twitter.com/32iKe0W0MR
— James Young 🤖🏳️🌈 [SXSW] (@jamesahyoung) March 9, 2018
If you like someone, tell them and tell them why! Don't you like it when someone tells YOU? It is one of the easiest gifts we can give to one another and yet so precious.
— Lee Weissman (@JihadiJew) March 9, 2018
Today was the best pic.twitter.com/vrGdOFJqfD
— Herdwick Shepherd (@herdyshepherd1) March 9, 2018
Next Tuesday (13th) will reveal title of my next novel. Jacket, too, if designer finishes in time. Probably a bijoux competition too... (pic is of 1st draft) pic.twitter.com/3K5oiYx12l
— Ian Rankin (@Beathhigh) March 9, 2018
Brooklyn apartment pic.twitter.com/wYxtoFPTxY
— Interior Designs (@ThislsWow) March 10, 2018
— Herdwick Shepherd (@herdyshepherd1) March 10, 2018
Happy #FemaleFilmmakerFriday ! Today is our last day on set with director Kyra Sedgwick. We’ve had a lot of fun! #GraceAndFrankie pic.twitter.com/ayGBWMMCWv
— Jane Seymour Fonda (@Janefonda) March 10, 2018
Is it me or has British graffiti gone downhill? pic.twitter.com/0BcuSMux6I
— Dr Christian Jessen (@DoctorChristian) March 10, 2018
Quick one - where the fuck has all my hair gone
— Joseph (@goulcher) March 9, 2018
"We can also do stupid," said Jean-Claude Juncker, referring to the EU's plan of imposing "reciprocal" tariffs https://t.co/56b1Pm1iHu
— The Economist (@TheEconomist) March 9, 2018
— Mark Dalgleish (@markdalgleish) March 7, 2018
JOHN WICK (2014)
— One Perfect Shot (@OnePerfectShot) March 9, 2018
DP: Jonathan Sela
Dir: Chad Stahelski, David Leitch
More Shots: https://t.co/owviLEotgI pic.twitter.com/BbDNLgaJTD
— Mark Dalgleish (@markdalgleish) March 7, 2018
Met with an old friend today – South Africa’s new President @CyrilRamaphosa who’s boosting faith in the economy. Business confidence has climbed to its strongest since October 2015. pic.twitter.com/bJP5qYPgnZ
— Mike Bloomberg (@MikeBloomberg) March 7, 2018
10MB Hard Drive: $3,495, July 1980. pic.twitter.com/cyxzDd6T0c
— Historical Pics (@HistoricalPics) March 7, 2018
Mmmmm. Salad. pic.twitter.com/rEOyFUpO2r
— Lisa (@lisagravesart) March 7, 2018
Ffs last time I book a window seat pic.twitter.com/7iRy3Pkp81
— Glenn Moore (@TheNewsAtGlenn) March 7, 2018
How did Maye Musk (mother of Elon) produce a family of entrepreneurs? She shares her parenting secrets with @1843mag https://t.co/JRS7do3IFp
— The Economist (@TheEconomist) March 7, 2018
So happy 😀 to say that Abby and I are reunited 💝 we’ve loved each other for many years and want to spend the rest of our lives together!!!!!!!! 💑 pic.twitter.com/gb36SXRp5c
— Tom Jackson (@TomJack20176306) March 7, 2018
me showing up to rupaul’s drag race castings as an out & proud member of the trains community pic.twitter.com/zKLo6Ut2DV
— chrysanthemum tran (@chrystran) March 6, 2018
Either you take it or complain about it
— Gary Vaynerchuk (@garyvee) March 6, 2018
Putin hitting a ball with his head, right in the Kremlin pic.twitter.com/z2prkMupWJ
— English Russia (@EnglishRussia1) March 6, 2018
Twitter dot j peg pic.twitter.com/gi3AD16Kvt
— TechnicallyRon (@TechnicallyRon) March 5, 2018
— One Perfect Shot (@OnePerfectShot) March 5, 2018
DP: Wally Pfister
Dir: Christopher Nolan
More Shots: https://t.co/MfDdpqlbGh pic.twitter.com/aOjnR6gOsO
#MondayMotivation pic.twitter.com/iFRfRz0ZKN
— Gary Vaynerchuk (@garyvee) March 5, 2018
Is the era of management over? https://t.co/zZNZhbd7Vz #leadership pic.twitter.com/ONqBm8oKj3
— World Economic Forum (@wef) March 2, 2018
Who’re you gonna call?... pic.twitter.com/tZLFEAIz91
— Kate Robbins (@KateRobbins) March 2, 2018
The West bet that China would head towards democracy and the market economy. The gamble has failed. Our cover this week pic.twitter.com/0VsBug87Iu
— The Economist (@TheEconomist) March 1, 2018
I love today.
— Herdwick Shepherd (@herdyshepherd1) March 1, 2018
Blizzard and all.
Sheep safe and fed.
Life goes on.
I love every day.
If you aren’t dead you are winning. pic.twitter.com/q4fRSxqWAv
Sound On: This made my night. A baby chimp being rescued from poachers in the Congo and being flown to safety. I watched it three times and felt less stressed. The pilot is so kind and gentle. pic.twitter.com/nX1TOUCbyb
— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) March 1, 2018
My brother, earning his keep. pic.twitter.com/U1RcD1c5QH
— Imogen Hermes Gowar (@girlhermes) February 26, 2018
never seen anything so accurate in my entire life
— Joseph (@goulcher) February 28, 2018
(via @jonoBLITZ ) pic.twitter.com/CspQv2t46H
Are people being paid to post fake online reviews? pic.twitter.com/dBybmznSLX
— Channel 4 (@Channel4) February 28, 2018
BIG FISH (2003)
— One Perfect Shot (@OnePerfectShot) February 28, 2018
Director of Photography: Philippe Rousselot
Director: Tim Burton
More Shots: https://t.co/eJ7qolTM0w pic.twitter.com/oIbugan10j
"Yes sorry I'm going to be late to work the infrastructure of a country that claims it can go it alone and be great by itself completely shut down when some water and cold turned into nonsense"
— TechnicallyRon (@TechnicallyRon) February 28, 2018
“Do not pay attention to what people say, only what they do, and to how much of their necks they are putting on the line” https://t.co/Diy3spl2zf
— The Economist (@TheEconomist) February 27, 2018
“Do not pay attention to what people say, only what they do, and to how much of their necks they are putting on the line” https://t.co/Diy3spl2zf
— The Economist (@TheEconomist) February 27, 2018
Something truly beautiful about a league in which you celebrate getting fouled pic.twitter.com/GgRbCKvkRE
— Nooruddean (@BeardedGenius) February 25, 2018
Some nights I wish I could go back in life. Not to change anything, just to feel a couple things twice.
— JamalAdams (@TheAdams_era) February 25, 2018
Received my advance copy of this today. Very pleased with how it has turned out - Derry's pictures are stunning.
— Monty Don (@TheMontyDon) February 24, 2018
In the shops in a week or two but can be ordered now from https://t.co/DIJza1LlpC pic.twitter.com/4Bb5qOvg0r
Seriously can’t believe the KFC coverage. People weeping because they have to buy a sandwich instead! https://t.co/mKeb8Kfqeh
— jennifer saunders (@ferrifrump) February 24, 2018
Lost our dad three years ago today.
— Herdwick Shepherd (@herdyshepherd1) February 24, 2018
Miss him. Even miss the bollockings and general tension, that comes with a farming Dad.
Gone but never forgotten. pic.twitter.com/KnVeGSrOSw
I am sitting on my comfortable couch with a ice tea in my hand. That means only one thing- it’s curling time fool. #TeamUSA #curlingiscoolfool
— Mr. T (@MrT) February 24, 2018
Last day of shooting on a passion project, a documentary on the life of my favourite painter - John Minton. So here's Johnny by me in charcoal & chalk. pic.twitter.com/gnOMafKQlA
— Mark Gatiss (@Markgatiss) February 23, 2018
*walks into store for one thing*
— T. Kyle (@tkylemac) February 25, 2018
*leaves without that one thing but with 8 candles*
With the help of @tyrabanks, 🇨🇦 model @winnieharlow has quickly made a name for herself as an activist and spokesperson for #selflove. By embracing her vitiligo she demonstrates that beauty comes in all forms and that difference should never hold you back #BHM 📷winnieharlow/IG pic.twitter.com/lxsxLMP770
— Canada (@Canada) February 24, 2018
Depression is really fun because sometimes it comes in the form of crying uncontrollably and other times it's you standing in a 7/11 at 11:30 at night with your finger not letting go of the cheese button over your nachos. You just never know what you're going to get.
— Caitlyn J. Kennedy (@CaitlynJK) February 24, 2018
"The best thing I have done here is representing all students. All the kids here are special in their own way."by Jimmy Vhttps://t.co/OzPC1xVlAo
— Nixplay Signage (@nixplaysignage) February 23, 2018
They say never meet your heroes; they are wrong. pic.twitter.com/Ew0buTf7gF
— Dara Ó Briain (@daraobriain) February 23, 2018
Vlogging? Have u thought about this pic.twitter.com/9dELQMlasm
— Gary Vaynerchuk (@garyvee) February 22, 2018
Donald Trump reveals inspiration behind arming school teachers: pic.twitter.com/tWZ5gF2pnB
— Have I Got News For You (@haveigotnews) February 22, 2018
"Look the only way to stop this is more guns. Less schools. Ban schools. Your teacher is now a gun. All lessons are gun. America is great again. I did it." pic.twitter.com/oayBDMiuy3
— TechnicallyRon (@TechnicallyRon) February 21, 2018
Hong Kong archives pic.twitter.com/piVzKS6xZ2
— KO (@Kostennn) February 22, 2018
They changed the Instagram algorithm pic.twitter.com/06QbtuPBon
— Gary Vaynerchuk (@garyvee) February 18, 2018
Wondering, not for the first time, if I actually have to take the hygiene risk of waving it in their faces to get my kids to use a toilet brush.
— David Baddiel (@Baddiel) February 17, 2018
And they said it wouldn’t last...Happy 16th anniversary to the #loveofmylife ❤️ pic.twitter.com/rVyksS9OIk
— Joan Collins (@Joancollinsdbe) February 17, 2018
Daily puppy pic pic.twitter.com/esNb3DsFjz
— Herdwick Shepherd (@herdyshepherd1) February 16, 2018
Waiting for lunch on a hungry day. pic.twitter.com/g3iu1CqBNG
— Hill Top Farm (@hilltopfarmgirl) February 15, 2018
Come to the edge," he said.
— Simon Sinek (@simonsinek) February 15, 2018
"We can't, we're afraid!" they responded.
“Come to the edge," he said.
"We can't, We will fall!" they responded.
"Come to the edge," he said.
And so they came.
And he pushed them.
And they flew.
- Guillaume Apollinaire
Happy Valentine’s Day, @MichelleObama. You make every day and every place better. pic.twitter.com/aWvyytR7Mm
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) February 14, 2018
Right after watching #BlackPanther in Bloem 🙌🏾 #BlackPantherMovie pic.twitter.com/7bPAqztkAe
— Thandeka💛 (@Thandi__K) February 16, 2018
35 years 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ pic.twitter.com/YCAwvyXAO2
— Richard E. Grant (@RichardEGrant) February 14, 2018
I am advertising for a gardener at Longmeadow. If you interested go to my face book page (themontydon) you will find details on how to apply. I will not be dealing with any applications via twitter.
— Monty Don (@TheMontyDon) February 14, 2018
Stunning clear sky to return home to!! pic.twitter.com/nSqsVY8Z3u
— Richard E. Grant (@RichardEGrant) February 8, 2018
Nina Faudale Hodges has kindly accepted to share her experience with their #Nixplay digital photo frame. Interested to learn more? 👇https://t.co/BWL8WEShxf
— Nixplay (@nixplaycloud) February 8, 2018