Comically obvious drug deal goes down in the background of live news report:
— (@dailyedge) November 21, 2014
via Twitter
Comically obvious drug deal goes down in the background of live news report:
— (@dailyedge) November 21, 2014
Image from #Rochester
— Lisa (@biscuitahoy) November 21, 2014
Microsoft's ads are starting to creep me out.
— Josh Helfferich (@JoshHelfferich) November 21, 2014
Without respect, even if people want to perform well, they can't
— Harvard Biz Review (@HarvardBiz) November 19, 2014
Surprisingly few letters coming in to my agony uncle column ‘What is it Now, For Fuck’s Sake?’
— Damien Owens (@OwensDamien) November 19, 2014
The downside to posting jokes all the time is that if I tweeted "Help, I am in an Iranian prison" everyone would be like "haha good one"
— Ristolable (@Ristolable) November 18, 2014
You don't seem to understand that I don't give a shit about any of this.
— Harold Pinter-Quotes (@Pinter_Quotes) November 19, 2014
Just received a free course on 'How to Commit Leadership Suicide'. Course-giver didn't realise he was giving said course.
— ryanducie (@ryanducie) November 19, 2014
Sometimes, Nature is just awesome. This is a Real Bird, and it's called a Blue-Footed Booby.
— Globe Pics (@Globe_Pics) November 18, 2014
If your brains were dynamite there wouldn't be enough to blow your hat off.
— Kurt Vonnegut (@Kurt_Vonnegut) November 18, 2014
Advertisers, it's not "the run-up to Christmas", it's called "November".
— Ben (@snorewell) November 17, 2014
Universal drivers of #CX and loyalty - @maxieschmidt #ForrForum #CustExp #CEM
— Forrester Research (@forrester) November 17, 2014
Great quotation of Maya Angelou; showing the importance of emotions in Customer Experience #forrforum #cx
— Nienke Bloem (@NienkeBloem) November 17, 2014
How bout you start by using a <title> tag first
— Paul Stamatiou (@Stammy) November 17, 2014
KLM and Airbnb convert jet into pop-up hotel room via @DailyMailUK #airlinemarketing
— airlinetrends•com (@airlinetrends) November 14, 2014
If the word "platitude" doesn't mean platypus attitude then seriously what the hell
— Shawn (@CakeThrottle) November 9, 2014
I hope Branson doesn't give up on space tourism. We need pathfinders and adventurers. What are we left with otherwise? Fucking X Factor?!
— Dan Oliver (@danoliver) November 12, 2014
Delighted with the tech industry’s new obsession with monitoring my many physical activities. It was hell trying to keep track on my own.
— Damien Owens (@OwensDamien) November 10, 2014
Funny to read how big banks are setting aside cash in case of litigation. Like "We know we're crooks. Let's see if anyone else notices."
— ryanducie (@ryanducie) November 10, 2014
‘Served with chips’ used to signify something, dammit. Now it means ‘Enjoy your six potato slabs done up like a game of fucking Jenga’.
— Damien Owens (@OwensDamien) November 4, 2014