For in a momentary lapse of common sense, I’ve signed up to participate and agonise in the infamous Dodentocht, a 100 kilometre Walk of Death through some towny bits of Belgium.
Now, 100 kilometres would not be a problem if it were a leisurely walk over a period of time. Say a few days or so. Even months.
But no such loophole.
The challenge is to complete the task in under 24 hours. Hyena’s and vultures are set upon the carcasses of those who do not make it back in the allotted time.
Strange what passes for fun in these here parts.
No, but seriously. The whole shebang seems to be arranged with such a social spirit and has a revered history to it. "Walking for a better world" the slogan says.
And nearly 10,000 walkers and countless nurses, masseuses and blister poppers all gather to celebrate the two appendages we call our legs and the apparent masochistic abuse of them.
In my preliminary excitement I’ve made a few bets with several friends who have offered unending support. “Idiot”, “Are you mad?” and “You’ll never make it” comfort and encourage me on.
But, the goal is clear. To make it though. Silliness aside, it’s also for a good cause. And it’s nice to do something so steeped (if even, not at all) in Belgian tradition, goodwill and loving.
The thought of being able to do something based on sheer willpower alone; without the very slightest interference of training, preparation or knowledge, drives me to succeed.
That and the promise of two cases of Duvel if-slash-when I make it.
As if to add insult to expected injury, the walk doesn’t particularly aim for anywhere. It’s a circular route, and you end up where you started.
Again, strange what passes for fun in these here parts.
Anyhow, along with some work colleagues, and much bravado, we’ll be setting off at 21h00 on Friday 10th August, and hoping to still complete before Saturday night 11th August.
I’d do a bit of live blogging from the event, but am channelling all my energy – even that which my fingers would use for typing - into me pins. Expect some photo’s, though.
P.S. Related in a totally unrelated way, check out these slick ads: